عرض المقال :Alleged ISHQ-e-RASOOL of MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI Part 2
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اسم المقال : Alleged ISHQ-e-RASOOL of MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD QADIANI Part 2
كاتب المقال: admin
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Part 2

Mirza Further degrades Holy Prophet Muhammad http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg - Ijthaadi Mistake:

When Mirza Sahib kept commiting mistakes after mistakes and his prophecies kept turning out to be false one after the other, then he commited that blunder which sealed his fate forever as KAAFIR. He started accusing other Prophets of Allah and especially Holy Prophet Muhammad http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg of making similar mistakes. This was the height of his slanderous attacks. He wrote about Holy Prophet http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg that:

Holy Prophet's revelation also turned out to be false. (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.472) Holy Prophet  http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg did not understand the correct meaning of Surah alZilzal. (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.472) Holy Prophet http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg has also commited mistakes in understanding revelations. (Several examples eg. Roohani Khazian vol2 p.224)


The Grave of Holy Prophet Muhammad http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg is a source of blessing and light and has been revered by generations after generations sinc the time of Sahaba till this day. No Muslim has ever dared to violate the sanctity of this Holiest of the Holy Shrines. But this so-called Aashiq-e-Rasool and Fana fir Rasool did not even spare that. May Allah forgive me for quoting such profanity:

"And God chose such an ignominious place to hide/bury the Holy Prophet http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg that is awfully stinking and dark and cramped and the place of excreta of insects..." (Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.205)

MA'AZALLAH summa MA'AZALLAH. Is this what you call Love of Rasoolullah?


Although you have labeled Love and Ishq as the proof of Mirza Sahib's truthfulness, which again I have shown above to be a false propaganda, I beg to disagree that this is not the proof of his claims to Prophethood since it is your word against your prophet's and I am sure you would agree that it is his words that count. Thus he said:

"To judge our truthfulness and lies there can be no better criteria than our PROPHECIES." (Aina-e-Kamalaat-e-Islam, Roohani Khazain vol.5, p.288)

Similarly at another place he said:

"He who is a LIAR in his claim, his prophecy is never fulfilled." (Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.223)

"If it is proven that out of hundred prophecies even if one turns out to be false, I will admit that I am a liar." (Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.421, footnote) "If Atham did not recieve punishment with death (as prophecied) within the stipulated time, then I am prepared to accept any punishment, humiliate me, paint my face black, put a rope around my neck and hang me. I am prepared for everything and I swear by God AlMighty that he will definitely do as I said, definitely do it, definitely do it. Earth and Heavens can move but His words will not fail." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.293)

After such boastful claims, now let me ask you the fate of some of the famous prophecies of Mirza Sahib which he had boasted specifically to be a sign of his truthfulness.

The Divine Marriage of Mirza Sahib with Mohammedi Begum. God informed him that he will not die before this mariage. you know as well as i do that Mohammedi Begum and her husband outlived Mirza by 40 years.The death of Christian priest, Deputy Abdullah Atham. Atham did not die within the stipulated time, despite prayers by Mirza and his followers, despite Mirza's attempts to cast some magic spells in a disused well etc.The marriage with two ladies - a virgin and a widow. Which widow did Mirza marry, can you tell us?Prophecy regarding the birth of a baby boy to the wife of his disciple, Manzoor Ahmad. But unfortunately it was baby girl, who died shortly after birth and before Mirza Sahib could twist the prophecy into some future pregnancy, the lady also passed away.Prophecy regarding Death of Mirza in either Makkah Mukarramah or Madina Munawwarah. Would you tell us where did he die?Prophecy regarding the running of Railway train between Makkah Mukarramah and Madina Munawwarah. Although the railway line being laid down, but as if Allah was bent on failing his 'prophet'. That track was destroyed and till this day there is no train service between these two cities.

Melancholia, other Illnesses, drugs and alcohol

Question is then what is the meaning of these inspirations, these prophecies and then these slanderous behaviours? If you study the life of Mirza Sahib with an open mind, all the facts will become clear as a daylight. Mirza Saheb belonged to a family who were loyal servants of British Rulers of India. He was of a weak mind from early days of his life and his father used to discourage him from indulging too much in reading books lest he would loose his mind. When he reached maturity, he absconded with the pension of his father and spent it in immoral pursuits. Later he took up a menial job in City Court in Sialkot at Rs. 15 per month. There he learnt some English but failed the Mukhtaari exam. In 1868 while he was still working as a clerk in the court, he met a Christian Padre who was later instrumental in his selection to the post of 'Apostolic Prophet'.

When Mirza Saheb was about 38 years old his father died and Inspirations and revelations started showering on him like rain. Were these really inspirations or an indication of mental illness? He sustained the first attack of hysteria when his son, Basheer I, dies. When he undertook second marriage, he was IMPOTENT. Then upon divine inspiration he prepared a potion, 'DIVINE CURE', its main constituent was OPIUM. During his correspondence with Hakeem Nuruddin, he admitted to be suffering from following sicknesses. Here you must remember that Mirza was taught medicine by his father. :

·         Melancholia

·         Hypochondriasis

·         Insomnia

·         Diabetes

·         Amnesia

·         Urinating 100 times a day

·         Attacks of hysteria

·         Attacks of fits of heart

·         Attacks of unconciousness

And on top of all these sicknesses, use of OPIUM and ALCOHOL!! In other words MENTAL SICKNESS + OPIUM = HALLUCINATIONS which he misinterpreted as INSPIRATIONS.

Perhaps you might think that previous Messengers were also accused of being mental case by their opponents, so it is no big deal if we also call Mirza Saheb the same.  BUT let me clear the confusion. NO PROPHET of Allah has ever labelled himself as a mental case, a lunatic. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the only claimant of prophethood who had admitted in his writings being mentally sick.

It was the sequel of his Mental Sickness + Opium that when Britihsers decided to create an Imposter 'Apostolic' Prophet to eliminate the spirit of Jehad from the hearts of Muslims, they searched for a proper person. Finally they chose the mentally defected son, an opium/alcohol user and pusher, of their ancestral servant, Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, who had proven his loyalty by supplying 50 armed horsemen to fight against the Muslims in the freedom struggle of 1857.

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Mirza Ghulam Qadiani Saheb admitted to this appointment in his letter to the then Governor General of Punjab by saying that he is the 'SELF CULTIVATED SEEDLING' of British Raj and had rendered such services which had never been performed by any other Muslim. He wrote a lenghthy letter to Queen Victoria entitled 'GIFT TO THE EMPRESS' in which he reminded her of his services in the following words:

"For the sake of British Government, I have published and distributed 50,000 leaflets (against Jehad) in this country and other Islamic countries .... the result is that hundreds of thousands of people have given up their filthy ideas about Jehad." (Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.114)

And this was the mental sickness that was aggravated by Opium and Alcohol that Mirza Saheb kept claiming one thing after another. He started his campaign as a Servant of Islam and a Debator, then progressed to Mujaddid (Rejuvenator), Maseel Maseeh (Resemblance with Messiah), Promised Messiah and even adopted the titles of PROPHET and MESSENGER. Then his sickness forced him to usurped the names of ALL PROPHETS. He became Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, David, Solomon, Mariam, Eisa ibne Maryam (upon them be peace) and finally started calling himself the second advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad http://alhafeez.org/rashid/ishq/saawb.jpg. Now whoever opposed him and did not accept his prophethood was labelled as Bastard and children of prostitute. (Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)

Despite all these claims, he did not get him any respite from his Mental Illness. Now he started having visions that he is the wife of God and God has expressed His power of virility with him. (Astaghfir Allah). Finally he got inspirations that he is son of God, God himself and God will be born as his son. (Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.103)

If you honestly think, all these jugglary was the result of Mirza Saheb's mental sickness which was affecting his hearing and vision resulting in auditory and visual hallucinations respectively. Well, Mirza Saheb was a sick man, I am surprised at educated and wise people like you who despite knowing everything are totally ignorant. Mirza Saheb had really cornered all Qadianis by stating that he who has not read all his books at least three times, his faith is in doubt. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi vol.2 p.78)

I can say without any shadow of doubt that no present day Qadiani has read all his books three times. If he had, it would have been enough to open his eyes.

IN CONCLUSION, I have exposed the myth of ISHQ-e-RASOOL in which you are trapped. For God's sake think with an open mind. Firstly NO PROPHET HAD EVER BEEN A LOVER OF ANOTHER PROPHET. Secondly DOES ONE EVER SLANDERS HIS BELOVED? One looks for the virtues of his beloved and not mistakes.

The yardstick to jusdge the prophethood is neither love/ishq nor prophecies. It is the message brought by the prophet that proves his truth. Please clear this misunderstanding in your heart and then read Mirza Saheb's books with an open mind.  I pray to Allah that may He give you the insight to differentiate between truth and falsehood and then guide you to the right path. Ameen.

Among so many you are the first Qadiani who had written such clear letters with so much affection. I do not want you to back off and stop writing to me. I would be grateful if you would correct any wrong thing mentioned in my letter,  and accept what is the truth.

Allah is the one who gives guidance


Sd: Syed Abdul Hafeez P O Gujjo District Thatta Sindh, Pakistan.  

Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.292-292Seeratul Mahdi part 1 p.34Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.587; Roohani Khazain vol.15; Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5; Seeratul Mahdi by Mirza Basheer Ahmad; Review of Religions.Arrival of British Empire in India - Parliamentary commission report dated 1870.Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.325Roohani Khazain vol.15 p.201AlBushra vol.2 p.105Roohani Khazain vol. 13 p.350Maktoobaat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 letter no. 4Roohani Khazain vol.12 p.270Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.521Ek Ghalti Ka Izala, p.8; Roohani Khazain, vol.18,p.212Maktoobat-e-Ahmadiyya vol 5 No 2 & 4; Tiryaq-ul-Quloob, Roohani Khazain, vol 15 p.203; statement of Mirza Mehmood son of Mirza Ghulam, AlFazl Newspaper, Qadian, vol 17 No. 6 dated 19th July 1929; Seeratul Mahdi vol.3 p.218Khotoot Imam Benam Ghulam, p. 5, Majmue Maktoobat, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad; Qadiani Mazhab, p. 168Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain vol.18 p.587 by Mirza Ghulam AhmadRoohani Khazain vol.22 p.89; Tazkirah 2nd Edition p.142/626Islami Qurbani, Tract No.34 by Qazi Yar Mohammed Qadiani, printed by Riyaz Hind Press, Amratsir.Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.192; Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.295; Collection of Advertisements vol.3 p.435Roohani Khazain vol.19 pp.87-89


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تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009

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