عرض الكتاب :The Truth Revealed ( izhar-ul-haq)

  الصفحة الرئيسية » مـكتبة الـكـــتـــب » كتب وأبحاث حول النصرانية » English Bookss

Rahmatullah Kairanvi

اسم الكتاب : The Truth Revealed ( izhar-ul-haq)
تعليق الكتاب: Izhar ul Haq - The Truth Revealed

The book, internationally recognised as one of the most authoritative and objective studies of the Bible, was originally written in Arabic under the title Izhal-ul-Haq by the distinguished 19th century Indian scholar, Maulana Rahmatullah Kairanvi appeared in 1864. The book was subsequently translated into Urdu and then from Urdu into English by Mohammad Wali Raazi.

Maulana Rahmatullah wrote the book in response to the Chrisitan offensive against Islam in British India and specifically to counter the subversive attack amde by the Rev C.C.P Fonder who had written a book in Urdu entitled Meezanul Haq the open intention of which was to cast doubts into the minds of the Muslims about the authenticity of the Quran and Islam.
اضيف بواسطة :   admin       رتبته (   الادارة )
تاريخ الاضافة: 26-11-2009 الزوار: 2088
التقييم: 0 /5 ( 0 صوت )

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